Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17, 2008

The journey to help raise money for Children's Cancer Research Fund has begun. I am setting out on a journey to run from Minneapolis to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota to help raise money for childhood cancer. I have two good friends who quickly got behind me and without hesitation said they would join me for the 3 day run. Now that's a good friend.

We really aren't crazy, we just want to find a way to help my niece who has been fighting Ewing's Sarcoma (bone cancer) for the last year. Abby and her family have had to overcome and battle this horrible disease everyday for the last year. No family should ever have to go through this -- ever--- more money is needed to fund research to help our children. This 75 mile run is the my attempt to help, to perhaps make a small contribution to a very big issue - Children Cancer Research.

I will have a direct link next week to the Children's Cancer Research Fund so you can make a donation. We all can make a difference, one step at a time.